The business was established in 2004 and under the present ownership since 2014. They offer a full range of hair, beauty and complimentary services to a loyal client base. The range of services are collectively offered under one roof which is unique to any surrounding competition.
The business has operated on a profitable basis over the years of the current ownership. In recent years, due to ill health the business has been operated on appointment only basis, Thursday to Saturday to meet the owners lifestyle requirements. there is huge scope to build back to prior levels of several £1000 per week takings.
The premises are immaculately presented throughout with 7 hair stations and 2 back wash basins, with a professional and attractive frontage, reception and waiting area along with 2 additional beauty rooms and internal storage
The business has experienced consistent and resilient trading from its strong high street position which provides excellent footfall.
There is a strong market for additional services eye lash extensions, microblading and Aesthetic Services for which they receive a lot of interest locally.
For further information, please click through or contact The Business Partnership Birmingham office directly.
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