Provides Scaffolding Services Across South East England
The group offers scaffolding services and temporary roofs across South East England, specialising in providing complex scaffolding that requires engineering input and a skilled labour force.
Priding itself on its exceptional services, the company has built a strong reputation with many Tier 1 national contractors, as well as local Tier 2 contractors.
The company is now being offered for sale to facilitate the exit strategy of the shareholders.
Our clients are open to all types of structured deals, subject to terms.
Offers invited.
Key Highlights
– Accredited by CHAS Advanced, Constructionline Gold, and FORS Silver, holds Builders Profile Premium membership and is a CLOCS Champion.
– Serves a diverse regional client base across the education, data centre, science and technology, and retirement or care home sectors that includes a range of prestigious and well-regarded clients.
– 30 active clients in place, 80% of which provide ongoing, repeat business.
– Operates from leasehold premises.
– Hiring additional skilled staff would enable the company to grow revenue, as well as pursue geographical expansion.
– Having experienced primarily organic growth, there is vast scope to introduce proactive marketing activities to grow the company’s client base.
Financial Highlights
– Turnover of circa £4m in YE23 with a gross profit of £670k.
– EBITDA of circa £170k in the same year.
– Current order book worth £1.8m with a potential future order pipeline in place for FY25 worth circa £3.7m.
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