Turnover of £899k, with an EBIT of £242k. With a global presence, this online business benefits from partnerships with some of the leading global brands in hospitality via both direct sales and through a network of international distributors. The concept saves venues time and money on meal preparation and
improves speed of serve and use of the company’s products in successful commercial venues grows awareness of both the concept and brand.
A strong online presence, ranging from top performing ads to engaging social media content drives consumer awareness and purchases through
the company’s Global portfolio of websites in the UK, US, Canada, Europe and Australia. Direct sales are added to through long term partnerships with leading online retailers in the UK, Europe, US and beyond. The business is currently largely reactive to incoming enquiries and there is excellent growth potential with more proactive sales activity across the hospitality industry and via retail partners. The business is currently run by a lean team with admin and warehouse operations outsourced which has proved a very successful business model and created a fully relocatable opportunity.The shareholder is offering the company for sale as they wish to pursue alternative, unrelated interests. Offers invited
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