Caithness.Turnover of £193k with an adjusted EBITDA of £21k.Strong forward programme of new titles (more than 40 projects over the two lists) Publishes a growing number of high-quality books in both print and electronic form.Provides its books for sale via 150+ trade clients and directly to individual private customersDirector willing to provide a handover period.Proactive marketing activities in place.Operates from leasehold premises, however our client has advised the business is fully relocatable.Offered for sale to facilitate retirement plans.Offers invited.
Business, Service Businesses, Printers/Print Shops,Media / Publishing Businesses, Medical / Health Businesses, Miscellaneous Businesses, Printers/Print Shops, Publishing Businesses
Media / Publishing Businesses, Medical / Health Businesses, Miscellaneous Businesses, Printers/Print Shops, Publishing Businesses
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