The company delivers bespoke, hand-crafted play areas, which are inspired by nature and designed for educational settings.
By utilising a team of skilled artists, the company’s creative approach has enabled it to develop innovative ways to engage young people in education outdoors.
Our clients are offering the company for sale to facilitate a change in lifestyle. They are willing to provide a mutually agreeable handover period, if required.
Key Highlights
– Has a full order book for the next 12 months’ worth c£1m.
– High barrier to entry to the education sector, meaning that the companybenefits from limited competition.
– Operates from leasehold premises.
– Candidates available to take on greater responsibilities within the company.
– The recruitment of additional skilled staff would enable the company to undertake an increased number of projects and optimise turnover.
– Potential to submit its completed projects for industry-specific awards to increase brand awareness and generate new opportunities.
Financial Highlights
– Turnover of £1m in YE22 with an adjusted EBITDA of £488k.
– Average gross profit margin of 48% over the last three financial years.
– Since YE19, turnover and adjusted EBITDA have grown by 24% and 30% respectively.
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