operating internationally
The company is a distributor of products to the agricultural industry, supplying a comprehensive range of crop covers and other related goods.
Operating across 20 countries, the company caters to approximately 500 customers within the agricultural industry, including large-scale fruit and vegetable growers, seed companies, national distributors, market gardeners, farm shops and allotment owners.
Our clients have advised that the company is well positioned for future growth, with scope to build on existing operations in Europe.
The shareholders are offering the company for sale as a whole or in two lots as part of their retirement plans. Offers invited.
Key Highlights
– Excellent supplier relationships, enabling it to maintain continuous stock levels even during times of global disruption.
– Receives high levels of repeat business with over 80% of turnover coming from existing customers that have relationships spanning more than 10 years.
– Operates in buoyant markets which are expected to enter periods of growth, with scope to benefit from the global focus on the reduction of pesticides.
– Well-positioned to generate additional business, particularly in Europe, through the employment of experienced sales professionals.
– Scope to increase sales through the introduction of new products and services.
– Experienced team in place.
– Established UK and EU operations, which are run in tandem from the UK. This established business model can easily facilitate a UK company to expand in Europe or a European company to easily expand in the UK.
– Has an excellent operating systems in place and runs a very powerful ERP system which has information on over 2,000 companies including all transactions with existing and potential customers / suppliers.
– Currently operating from leasehold premises so can be easily relocated. All staff have full facilities in place to work from home if required.
Financial Highlights
– YE23 turnover £3.79m, with an adjusted EBITDA of £464k.
– YE23 shareholder funds of £1.5m
– YE24 forecast turnover in excess of £4m, with an adjusted EBITDA of £693k.
– YE24 forecast shareholder funds in excess of £1.5m.
– Potential orders valued in excess of £2m, with expectations to convert circa 60% into sales.
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