SINGLE FRONTED PREMISES in the region of 1,300 ft² with wood strip floor, ceiling with hanging lights. Bar, EPOS till. Tables and chairs providing seating for 30 People.
Kitchen stainless steel extractor unit, Gas 6-burner Cooker, oven, deep fryer (2 pan), salamander grill, 3 x fridge, 3 undercounter fridge, deep freeze, microwave, 3 stainless steel preparation table.
Preparation / Washing room, double sink and drainer, preparation table.
Toilet with w.c. and wash hand basin.
Basement in the region of 600 ft², used for storage purposes
WE ARE INFORMED by the owner the turnover currently averages £3,000 p.w. with a Gross profit of 65% approx. (25% DELIVERIES)
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