With the owners now beyond retirement age, they are seeking to transfer their established butcher’s shop to new owners, keen to take the business through the next phase of its journey.
This successful butcher’s shop has traded for over 70 years, with sales typically generated from local repeat business, supported by around 15% of trade sales.
In addition to the typical bought in cuts of meat, the business also makes its own pies, pasties, sausages, burgers, bacon, black pudding, biltong and droewors. This both supports a higher overall gross margin and significantly differentiates the business from its competition.
The business operates from a leased premises, with the current lease due to run to 2030. It comes well equipped with 2 walk in chillers, 1 x 6 foot window bed, 1x 16 foot deli counter, a small chest freezer, 1 x 6 foot glass fronted upright freezer, 3 x 7 ft chest freezers, 1 x 4 foot chest freezer, 3 serve over scales, 1 printer/label scale, a meat slicer , a drying machine, a W.A meter, 2 vacuum packers , a tray wrap machine and an air conditioning unit.
In addition to the owner who works fulltime in the business, there is a full-time butcher and 2 part-time assistants.
The business generates revenues in excess of 300K, yielding profits before owner drawings of c 50k. Further growth opportunities include the footfall from extensive new housebuilding being carried out in the local area, in addition to the opportunity to develop a broader marketing strategy, and develop additional services such as home delivery and more value added products such as ready meals.
Representing a desire for a timely sale the guide price for the business is a realistic £35k plus stock at value and the owners will be flexible over sensible handover arrangements
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