Full 5 Star Rating. Customer base has increased over Lockdown. 8 Acres of quality grazing land, All weather ménage, 14 stables, 15 field shelters, 40 horses, 16 liveries, 12 x 30 foot barn
Riding school & working livery yard occupying a rural yet accessible setting
Ideal lifestyle opportunity, rare opportunity, viewing highly recommended
Ref 44838- Riding School with Livery Yard, rural yet accessible setting, Midlands – All weather ménage, 14 stables, 8 acres of quality grazing land, freehold, rare opportunity, owner taking early retirement, viewing highly recommended. Ref: 44838
Business, Service Businesses, Cattery Businesses,Cattery Businesses, Commercial Lands, Kennels, Stables
Cattery Businesses, Commercial Lands, Kennels, Stables
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