Specialising in greasing machines and dough lubrication, the company designs, manufactures, installs, commissions and services an array of products in the food processing industry.
The business also offers a bespoke design service, building equipment with adjustments so that if the client’s plant changes, their machinery can adapt.
Our client is now offering the business for sale to facilitate retirement plans.
Key Highlights:
Predominantly works with large, industrial-scale bakeries and line builders.
Benefits from strong relationships with prestigious, blue-chip clients.
Has circa 45 active clients, all of whom provide the business with reliable streams of ongoing revenue.
The company’s quality and reliability are well known throughout the sector.
Offered as a fully relocatable opportunity.
Scope to expand more on an international basis, with two clients now both large European organisations.
Financial Highlights:
– Turnover of circa £431k in YE23.
– Adjusted EBITDA in excess of £92k achieved within the same year.
Gross profit margin of 53%.
– The company is in discussions with several large, international bakery groups and food manufacturers, that have enquired about the business, with orders anticipated.
Business, Corporate Businesses, Manufacturing Businesses,Manufacturing Businesses
Manufacturing Businesses
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