Two companies are offered for sale, both focusing on supplying specialist medical equipment for both private and public healthcare providers.
The upfront cost of the equipment can be an impediment for medical organisations; as such, the business provides an ideal rental solution to facilitate the use of state-of-the-art equipment without the need for capital.
Having gained prominence in a niche sector with a high barrier to entry, the company benefits from an established client base and high levels of recurring income.
The company is offered for sale to facilitate further growth under the impetus of new ownership.
Upcoming partnership with another healthcare business to offer additional specialist medical equipment and services.
Presently working with a total of 37 active clients, with key relationships spanning more than 20 years.
Experienced considerable growth, with an excellent reputation as an industry leader for the provision of medical equipment.
Operates from leasehold premises with scope to operate on a national basis.
Turnover of over £374k and £231k in YE23.
Adjusted EBITDA in excess £168k and £110k achieved in the same year.
Strong gross profits margins for both companies with year-on-year growth.
Offers invited.
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