Business details
The shoe charm shop is probably the UK’s largest selection and probably the UK’s lowest prices. Thousands of different shoe charms listed, with hundreds of orders each month. Currently home based, working part time, the website has been active since 2022, easily transferable, with huge potential for increased sales. No current listings on eBay, Facebook or Instagram.
A huge selection of different styles are in stock, fully paid and ready to transfer to a new owner. Good, secure, suppliers. Many other related products could be added to significantly increase sales.
Advertised on Google, often the first listing on page 1 of Google with full Google analytics and reports.
Owner is past retirement age, this is an unusual opportunity for new a new owner to really take this forward to the next level. Owner very happy to help with handover and tuition.
Sales (excluding postage) for the last 12 months is £40000 with significant gross profit. Net profit is £28000. The product is very low cost with very high margin.
Stock, fixtures, Net profit £28000, means a valuation of £84000 is appropriate, however, owner is willing to possibly accept a lower offer or partnership opportunity or any other sensible proposal.
Currently situated east of Southampton, Hampshire.
Business, Online Businesses, Ecommerce / Website / Online Based Retail Businesses,Ecommerce / Website / Online Based Retail Businesses, Online Retail Businesses
Ecommerce / Website / Online Based Retail Businesses, Online Retail Businesses
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