The company offers intensive courses resulting in high-level qualifications and practical skills in sports and physical therapy.
This includes the extended level 3 diploma in sports massage, various taping and mobilisation technique courses, and a level 3 strength and conditioning course, each combining online and hands-on learning.
These courses equip students with practical skills and accredited qualifications to advance their careers in various settings.
Collaborates with nationwide universities to attract students on healthcare or sports related degrees, fostering a working partnership that results in repeat recommendations to students.
Reliable flow of predictable income from a large number of clients, negating any reliance on any one organisation.
The company has a robust database of approximately 15,000 successful graduates.
The business hires 14 highly qualified tutors, who have remained loyal to the company for years.
All courses are self-funded by students and therefore the company is not reliant on any external funding.
YE24 turnover in excess of £694k, with an adjusted ebitda of £294k.
Average gross profit of 63% over the last four years.
Our clients are offering the business for sale to facilitate further growth under the impetus of new ownership.
Offers invited.
Business, Corporate Businesses, Medical / Health Businesses
Medical / Health Businesses
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