Key Features
Freehold business and living premises
3 bedroom Grade II listed building
Desirable village location
Current use class A3/A4/A5 (Restaurant and Cafes/Drinking Establishments)
Opportunity for new business development
The Premises
A Grade II Listed two storey property consisting of business and living premises of traditional construction with painted render and multi pitched clay pan tile covered roof. The ground floor business premises incoporates open plan trading area, private dining room and commercial kitchen with toilet. The living premises incorporates a number of period features including stone flag floor, exposed timber beams, period fireplace and period timber encased sliding sash windows. The first floor living premises comprises of a well presented three bedroom, half room, kitchen and bathroom. The property is served with separate gas fired hot water and central heating systems. There is free parking to the front.
The Opportunity
Current owner purchased the premises November 2023 and has surveyor plans to develop the business into a convenience store pending council approval of change of use from A3/A4/A5 Restaurant and Cafes/Drinking Establishments and Hot Food takeaways to A1/A2 Retail & Financial Services.
Trading Information
Business is not currently trading
Property Type
A3/A4/A5 Restaurant and Cafes/Drinking Establishments and Hot Food takeaways
EPC Rating
Energy Rating B valid until 3 April 2032
Rateable Value £7,800
The rateable value is used to calculate your rates bill so this is not the amount you will pay
The Valuation Office Agency website lists the rateable value with effect from April 2023 to present at £7,800. The property falls within small business relief threshold to which occupiers should benefit from full rates relief.
Business Premises Measurements
Ground floor trading area 51.8m² (557ft²)
Ground floor kitchen 17.33m² (186ft²)
Ground floor dining area 19.16m² (206ft²)
Net internal area 88.29m² (949ft²)
Living Premises Measurements
Net internal area 70.4m² (758ft²)
Disclaimer Notice
All information provided within the advert is subject to our standard terms and conditions of A1 Businesses for Sale. See our disclaimer page for more details.
Any viewings for the business and/or property are to be made strictly by appointment only through A1 Businesses for Sale. No approach should be made directly to the owner or any of their employees.
Business, Commercial Properties, Other Commercial Properties, Restaurants, Retail Spaces, Vacant Premises
Other Commercial Properties, Restaurants, Retail Spaces, Vacant Premises
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