Charming Children’s Day Nursery in Northamptonshire. Located in a sought-after village location with accesses, enjoys limited competition
Operated with a manager and experienced team, excellent reputation, well presented
Fee Income in excess of £360,000 per annum (y/e 31.03.24) generating an EBITDA of £53,642
Forecast turnover for y/e 2025 £400,000 (This doesn’t account for the usual fee increase in January)
Charming Children’s Day Nursery occupying a convenient and accessible setting in a much sought after village in the East Midlands, limited competition, Fee Income £363,642 per annum (y/e 31.03.24) generating an EBITDA of £53,642 operated with an experienced team and a manager, historically high occupancy levels, well presented excellent reputation. Leasehold. Ref: 51291
Business, Care Businesses, Childrens Day Nurseries
Childrens Day Nurseries
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