YE21 turnover of £5.28m, with an EBITDA of £446k. YE22 forecast turnover of £4.5m with an EBITDA of £430k. Supplies over 7,000 product lines including workshop consumables and fasteners. Operating internationally, the company serves approximately 700 active customers, 80% of whom provide reliable, repeat business on an ongoing basis. In addition to its regular custom, the company benefits from a continual stream of new business, providing further revenue. Strong second-tier management team in place, capable of running the company on a day-to-day basis.
Offered for sale to facilitate retirement. Shareholders willing to provide a mutually agreeable handover period to ensure a smooth transition.
Operates from two freehold premises which are available to purchase separately from the company. There is scope to expand revenue with the development of an e-commerce website. Offers invited.
Business, Engineering Companies, Engineering Supplies Businesses, Retail Businesses
Engineering Companies, Engineering Supplies Businesses
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