The Dartmoor Inn nestles in the beautiful valley at Merrivale on the Western fringes of Dartmoor National Park, some 5 miles from Tavistock. The property fronts the B3357 which is one of the main routes through the Park, linking Tavistock with Ashburton in the South. Princetown is approximately 5 miles East of Merrivale.
The hamlet is dominated by the former Merrivale granite quarry which closed in 1997. Some of the finest London buildings and Old London Bridge, now in the USA, are adorned by Merrivale grey granite. The few buildings surrounding the Inn were originally built for quarry workers and are now private houses. Plymouth Sound is visible from surrounding Tors and the Eddystone lighthouse, some 30 miles distant is often seen on clear evenings. The popular and world renowned Merrivale Prehistoric Settlement and Stone Rows is a short walk from the Dartmoor Inn.
An attractive 2 Storey semi-detached property with whitewashed elevations under a pitched roof. The property has benefitted from a recent major refurbishment and has a lovely rustic charm throughout.
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