The company delivers a host of end-to-end solutions for clients, with a capability of deploying its resources across multiple countries.
Operating internationally, the business currently offers its services to 12 active clients, and benefits from high retention rates, with approximately 90% providing reliable, repeat business.
Established since 2007 and operating from UK, India and Poland, our clients are now offering the company for sale to facilitate continued growth under the impetus of a new owner. Offers invited.
Key Highlights
– Positioned on four UK Government-approved frameworks, one of which has a spend of £2.4b, guaranteeing regular access to lucrative projects.
– An estimated 70% of revenue is derived from contracted income.
– Client base includes several well-known, blue-chip organisations.
– Recently obtained highest partner status with a circa $1b tech giant, possible new and referral business.
– Experienced team of employees led by an Operations Director and Sales Director who are willing to stay in role, post-sale.
-Operates from leasehold premises based in South East England.
– Many opportunities for expansion, including the exploration of new sectors and the implementation of additional marketing strategies.
Financial Highlights
– YE22 turnover of £4.5m.
Business, Corporate Businesses, IT / Telecoms Businesses, Software Businesses, Technology Businesses
IT / Telecoms Businesses, Software Businesses, Technology Businesses
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