Well Presented LICENSED RESTAURANT (Trading as takeaway only)
The business currently trades as a Itilian restaurant, which could obviously be continued, however in our opinion there is potential for other types of cuisine, if desired.
DOUBLE DOORED PREMISES in the region of 775 ft² with ELECTRIC SHUTTERS. Air conditioning with hot air. Tiled floor, suspended ceiling with spotlights, sales counter, EPOS till. Tables and chairs providing seating for 50 persons.
KITCHEN fitted 2020 with stainless steel extractor unit. Single deck 32′ pizza oven with conveyor belt, steamer, 4 deep fryers, Tandoori oven, 2 fridges, 2 freezers, refrigerated making table, preparation table, double sink and drainer, dough mixer, etc.
Ladies’ & gentlemen’s toilet with w.c. and wash hand basin
Small Stockroom
WE ARE INFORMED the vendor enjoys a good turnover, full details will be discussed upon inspection.
Business, Fast Food Restaurants, Food Service Businesses, Italian Restaurants, Restaurants, Takeaways Businesses (Other)
Fast Food Restaurants, Italian Restaurants, Restaurants, Takeaways Businesses (Other)
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