Turnover of circa £4,000.
Sells a variety of seasonal gift boxes for adults and children which contain high-quality products, such as alcohol, sweets, chocolate, jewellery, toys and candles.
Popular business that has been in operation for a decade.
Long-standing relationships in place, with 70% of sales deriving from existing customers.
Significant scope for growth through the introduction of complementary products using the box designs already in place.
A fully relocatable opportunity which utilises companies on a drop-shipping basis.
Offered for sale due to ill health.
Offers invited.
Business, Confection Businesses, Ecommerce / Website / Online Based Retail Businesses, Gift Shops, Other Retail Businesses, Retail Businesses
Confection Businesses, Ecommerce / Website / Online Based Retail Businesses, Gift Shops, Other Retail Businesses
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