London.Turnover of £270,000 with an adjusted EBITDA of £73,000.Offers high-end, limited edition posters printed on fine art paper with a distinct style.Sells to customers via a dedicated e-commerce store alongside physical premises.Dedicated Manager in place, able to run the business on a day-to-day basis.Fulfilment services are currently carried out by a third party.Extensive marketing activities in place.Considerable scope for growth available by extending the current product range.Shareholder willing to provide a handover period.Operates from leasehold premises – we have been advised the landlord will renew the lease for 5-10 years. Lease PA £50,000.Offered for sale to facilitate plans for retirement.£125,000
Business, Craft Shops, Model Shops, Other Retail Businesses, Retail Businesses
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Craft Shops, Model Shops, Other Retail Businesses
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