Turnover of £710k with an EBITDA of £107k. Management turnover of £705k with an EBITDA of £95k. Provides the supply and installation of car and commercial vehicle windscreens, services to classic and prestige cars, van conversion and glazing work on plant machinery. Established for over 30 years. Serves over 300 clients, 70% of whom provide the company with reliable, repeat business on an ongoing basis. Benefits from a strong second-tier management team, capable of operating the company on a day-to-day basis. Potential to increase revenue with the recruitment of additional Technicians, allowing the company to manage a growing workload. Operates from leasehold premises. Scope to expand its presence into automotive sales and the haulage and distribution sector. The shareholders are offering the business for sale in order to facilitate their plans for retirement. Our clients are willing to provide a mutually agreeable handover period, to ensure a smooth transition to the new owner. Offers invited.
Business, Motor & Transport Businesses, Windscreen Businesses
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Windscreen Businesses
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