Northumberland.YE23 turnover in excess of £251,500, with an adjusted EBITDA of £109,600.Offers anti-corrosion zinc plating services, as well as chemical black coatings, vapour blasting and electroless nickel. Operates across a variety of industries, including automotive, ministry of defence, building, farming / agriculture and engineering manufacturing.Approved supplier of Caterpillar and Komatsu.Employs experienced and dedicated team of skilled individuals.Additional revenue to be achieved via the introduction of a company website and additional processes such as anodising.Receives regular revenue from 35 reliable repeat clients.Operates from leasehold premises.Offered for sale to facilitate other unrelated business ventures.Offers Invited.
Business, Corporate Businesses, Engineering Businesses, Garden Machinery Businesses, Manufacturing Businesses, Other Service Businesses
For Sale
Engineering Businesses, Garden Machinery Businesses, Manufacturing Businesses, Other Service Businesses
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