Turnover of in excess of £864,000, with an adjusted EBITDA of £131,000. If brought in-house to an existing business Annual profits would be closer to £300,000.
Specialises in tyre collection and recycling, with the aim of transforming all recycled tyres into marketable products.
Operates multiple eCommerce websites.
Works with an extensive range of clients, from individual operators to national household waste recycling centres.
Boasts high customer retention rates, with relationships spanning 14 years.
Proficient workforce in place.
Operates from leasehold premises.
Offered for sale to facilitate other, unrelated business interests.
Offers invited.
Automotive Services Businesses, Business, Garages, Motor & Transport Businesses, Other Motor & Transport Businesses, Recycling Businesses, Tyre and Exhaust Businesses
For Sale
Automotive Services Businesses, Garages, Other Motor & Transport Businesses, Recycling Businesses, Tyre and Exhaust Businesses
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