Generated turnover of £3.4m amidst the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. YE22 mgmt. figures indicate a turnover of £6.1m with an EBITDA of £972k. Pre-pandemic turnover ranged from £3.9m to £10.5m. A successful and reputable organisation operating at the forefront of its market. Offers a variety of sought-after geotechnical services, including soil nailing, mini piling, ground anchoring and slope stabilisation. Generates further revenue by delivering drilling and blasting services, such as quarrying, major civil engineering projects and close proximity blasting. Benefits from circa 20 active clients. Has been awarded an array of industry-standard accreditations, including ISO 9001 certification, RISQS audited and Constructionline Gold. Utilises a highly skilled team dedicated to delivering an unparalleled clientfocused service. Primarily operates from freehold premises. Offered for sale to facilitate our clients’ gradual exit strategy. Ideal acquisition for complementary service providers looking to enhance their
portfolio with a market-leading organisation. Significant scope to realise additional revenue streams by introducing new
services for the drilling and geotechnical sectors. Offers invited.
Automotive Services Businesses, Business, Garages, MOT Garages, Motor & Transport Businesses, Other Motor & Transport Businesses, Tyre and Exhaust Businesses
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Automotive Services Businesses, Garages, MOT Garages, Other Motor & Transport Businesses, Tyre and Exhaust Businesses
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