Cardiff.11 month management figures demonstrates a turnover of circa £107,000.Known locally for its exceptional dishes, seasonal menu and intimate atmosphere.Collaborates with an associate company to host an in-house pop-up wine shop with a selection of wines not available in supermarkets.Enjoys an excellent reputation in its local area and regularly hosts wine and food tasting sessions to enhance its presence.Employs a dedicated front-of-house team and a kitchen assistant. An acquirer may wish to recruit a chef to replace outgoing shareholders.Considerable scope to increase revenue by hosting additional events and introducing an e-commerce feature to the website of the wine pop-up shop.Offered for sale to facilitate lifestyle changes. A negotiable handover period will be provided.Operates from leasehold premises.£50,000.
Bistros, Business, Coffee Shops, Food Service Businesses, Import Export Businesses, Restaurants, Wine Bars
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Bistros, Coffee Shops, Import Export Businesses, Restaurants, Wine Bars
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