YE22 turnover of £149,000, with a 85% increase in turnover since YE19.
Sells clothing, Himalayan cultural products, home and lifestyle products, singing bowls and gongs, Tibetan thangka art, yoga products, and a wide range of other cultural items.
Clothing sales currently account for the majority of the business’s revenue.
All items are ethically sourced and fair trade.
Fulfils over 4,000 orders a year for customers internationally.
Has a diverse global supplier network, situated primarily in Asia.
Receives a high amount of income through returning customers.
Offered for sale to facilitate continued growth under the impetus of a new owner.
Offered as a fully relocatable opportunity.
Ideal bolt-on acquisition for similar providers in the sector who are looking to expand their client base and service offering.
Offers invited.
Art Shops, Business, Clothes Shops, Ecommerce / Website / Online Based Retail Businesses, Online Businesses, Online Retail Businesses
For Sale
Art Shops, Clothes Shops, Ecommerce / Website / Online Based Retail Businesses, Online Retail Businesses
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