BASED IN LONDONYE23 turnover in excess of £251,000, with an adjusted EBITDA of circa £67,000.Offers a wide range of products and services, including tyre sales and a 24-hour fitting service, brake pad and disc replacements and vehicle diagnostics.Maintains high standards through NTDA, RMIF and ISO 9001 accreditations.Operated by the director.Benefits from thousands of clients, comprising private vehicle owners, logistics firms and local used car dealerships.Operates from leasehold premises in an ideal location.Offered for sale to realise the wealth derived from the business.Offers invited.
Business, Garages, MOT Garages, Motor Accessory Shops, Other Retail Businesses, Retail Businesses
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Garages, MOT Garages, Motor Accessory Shops, Other Retail Businesses
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